What is Pottery? Clay formed into numerous shapes, glazed and baked in large ovens. The History of Medicine Hat has foundations in Clay.
A Sculpture outside of Medalta Potteries
The Medalta Potteries are located just off Industrial Avenue SE and another entrance is off Bridge Street SE in the Flats.
The Famous Bee Hive Pottery Kilns have a nice view of the Cliffs behind them.
The Sign over the door tells you that you're in the right place. If you have friends visiting the City, please take them for a tour to the old historical potteries. You'll be glad you did.
A view of 4 of the old Kilns.
The Stack above the Kiln.
Historical Kiln belted with steel.
Between the kilns.
A paranormal group did an investigation. During their time in one of the kilns, something Unseen bumped one of the men so hard the camera nearly went flying out of his hand. He ran out of the kiln and told me afterwards that he felt violently sick after being in the kiln and didn't wanted to go back in. Maybe the Spirit felt he wasn't much of a Potter!
Medalta Potteries has always been a peaceful place to visit, at least for me. I've never been bothered by any otherworld activity. I do know there is a wealth of Historical information and things to see here. Any visitors are encouraged to see the old site! It is still up and running with many Artisans working and visiting inside.
This kiln appears to be attached to the brick building.
Beside the Sculpture out front of medalta Potteries, is a large pile and it glitters in the Sunshine. The reflections are of bits and pieces of pottery which makes up the majority of the pile.
There are a couple of old Train Cars down at the Pottery which is another Historical reminder of Medicine Hat's CPR past.
A beautiful April day down at Medalta Potteries. I've left the best part out of my Blog. The inside of the potteries is a treasure for you to find! Enjoy your visit. Post your comments about the potteries if you'd like.
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